
Soft Tissue Recession Around Implants – A common Complication

Today one of the first considerations for implant therapy is to achieve aesthetics results that are in harmony with the surrounding tissues. One of the major concerns is soft tissue recession around implants thay may appear over time (Adell et al. 1981; Grunder 2000) and this is an important issue not only for the patient but also for the clinician.

10 Tips that Everyone Should Know Before Performing an Implant Treatment in the aesthetic zone

Nowadays, implantology is a predictable area and well-accepted by scientific community for missing or doubtful prognosis tooth reposition. More than 30 years ago, Brånemark and col. published the first articles that presented implantology as a safe and predictable method to rehabilitate edentulous patients if a standard protocol is performed, in which one of the key factors were the time the implant was submerged until loading (3 months for the jaw and 6 months to the maxilla)(Bränemark 1977).
