Immediate Implants in the Aesthetic zone: Some tips and tricks that will help you
Soft Tissue Recession Around Implants – A common Complication
Today one of the first considerations for implant therapy is to achieve aesthetics results that are in harmony with the surrounding tissues. One of the major concerns is soft tissue recession around implants thay may appear over time (Adell et al. 1981; Grunder 2000) and this is an important issue not only for the patient but also for the clinician.
4 Implant Dentistry Books You Should Start Reading Today
Recommending books is easy, buying them is slightly more difficult (some of them are expensive), but reading an entire book is a tough work and sometimes it can be boring depending on the topic.
Photography Equipment for a Dentist
My camera is a Nikon 610. Full frame and it is also the camera that I used to do the video that was in the page about Dental Photography.
3 Simple Steps to keep all your Photos Avalaible and Shareable in a Dental Practice
Despite existing tons of image / photo softwares out there, sometimes it can be a little confusing which one to choose.
How to Create an Illustration
After receiving some emails from some followers, I decided to create this tutorial to introduce how I create my illustrations.
What is Papers 3 and how it works
Papers is an Appel Design Award and Ars Desig Award winning solution for managing research literatura. Now, it´s time for Papers 3 to take your personal library of research to a whole new level.
Platform Switching. A Biological Concept
There some questions about what is or what is nor platform switching, and of course, what are the advantages of having a platform switched concept in the implants used in our daily practice.
10 Tips that Everyone Should Know Before Performing an Implant Treatment in the aesthetic zone
Nowadays, implantology is a predictable area and well-accepted by scientific community for missing or doubtful prognosis tooth reposition. More than 30 years ago, Brånemark and col. published the first articles that presented implantology as a safe and predictable method to rehabilitate edentulous patients if a standard protocol is performed, in which one of the key factors were the time the implant was submerged until loading (3 months for the jaw and 6 months to the maxilla)(Bränemark 1977).