3 Simple Steps to keep all your Photos Avalaible and Shareable in a Dental Practice

Blog English, Implantology

Despite existing tons of image / photo softwares out there, sometimes it can be a little confusing which one to choose.

When you talk with someone about this topic, the software that this person is using is always the best:

  • “What system are you using to adjust and arrange your photos”- I asked
  • “I´m using xxxxx software dude, at it´s amazing. I bet there is nothing better at the market right now. By the way: What are you using?”- He asked me.
  • “I´m using Aperture“- I answered.
  • “AperWhat?????YOU NERD.”

So it´s not easy to have a consensus between the dentists (“dentists” and “consensus” should be avoided in the same sentence) about what is the best software to use in your dental office that make your files available with all the devices that you have at home or in another office.

That´s why I created this post: Share with you how I work and also the material that I use. So let´s start with a short video:

#1 Keep Your Photos Arranged

Using Aperture will allow you to keep photos arranged by patient name, date or tags

Aperture is also a powerful tool to adjust your photos and set them ready to be included in your Keynote or even to show them to your patients. Note: It is not Photoshop, but in my case the  Aperture “Retouch” tool does the job for the most of the time.

Using RAW+Jpeg will allow you to have two versions of the same photo, and if you need to do slight adjustments you may take the .jpg version, otherwise you have your RAW version.

captura de pantalla 2012-12-07 a la(s) 141656-crop-u10484

#2 Select, Upload and Share!

Once you have your photos stored by patient name or treatment name or any other way you choose, its time to share them: Just select the ones you want to share and BOOM- Send them to iCloud by creating the new album with the name you want and add the emails of the people you want to share your photos with – It can be your lab technician, your patient or even another dentist that you want share your clinical cases.

With the new iOS and OS X features, comments and likes can be added to the photos by everyone you included in the list.

[one_third]captura de pantalla 2015-02-23 180254-crop-u38007[/one_third] [one_third]captura de pantalla 2015-02-23 180534[/one_third] [one_third_last]captura de pantalla 2015-02-23 180534(2)[/one_third_last] [one_third]captura de pantalla 2015-02-23 180534(3)[/one_third] [one_third]captura de pantalla 2015-02-23 180534(4)-crop-u38034[/one_third] [one_third_last]captura de pantalla 2015-02-23 180534(5)[/one_third_last]

#3 Connecting All the Devices With Aperture

Having your photos, even the RAW versions in all your devices can be a pretty cool feature isn´t it?

Thats what makes Aperture my favorite app.

I know that every time I import the photos into any folder of my computer, that folder is replicated in the other devices where I have Aperture installed.

But what happens with iOs devices?

In that case using iCloud albums is the easiest way to have them all-around.

[one_third]Captura de pantalla 2015-08-05 a la(s) 17.39.24
captura de pantalla 2012-12-07 a la(s) 201852
This means that the files are being downloaded from the other device with aperture.


Aperture is a reliable App to store clinical cases and to make adjustments to your photos. Although it is not Photoshop, the Aperture Brush tool does the job almost all the time for me (patch, clone, darken, blur etc.)

Is also my favorite App to store my illustrations just before I send them to Final Cut X, a powerful video editor that I strongly recommend you to have if you want to go a step further in your video editing skills.

I also created this list where you can find the camera, flash, lens and other gadgets related with photography that I use daily for my dental photos.


Final Cut Pro X[/one_half] [one_half_last]aperture_logo_v3

Aperture 3[/one_half_last]

